Trading Beyond the Matrix: The Red Pill for Traders and Investors


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How to transform your trading results by transforming yourself In the unique arena of professional trading coaches and consultants, Van K. Tharp is an internationally recognized expert at helping others become the best traders they can be. In Trading Beyond the Matrix: The Red Pill for Traders and Investors , Tharp leads readers to dramatically improve their trading results and financial life by looking within. He takes the reader by the hand through the steps of self-transformation, from incorporating “Tharp Think”―ideas drawn from his modeling work with great traders―making changes in yourself so that you can adopt the beliefs and attitudes necessary to win when you stop making mistakes and avoid methods that don’t work. You’ll change your level of consciousness so that you can avoiding trading out of fear and greed and move toward higher levels such as acceptance or joy. Advocating an unconventional approach to evaluating trading systems and beliefs, trading expert Van K. Tharp has produced a powerful manual every trader can use to make the best trades and optimize their success.