Feck Perfuction (Paperback) (Page-150)


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Begin before you’re ready and other lessons on living a happy and creative life: Renowned designer and professional hell-raiser James Victore wants to drag you off your couch and throw you headfirst into a life of bold creativity. In Feck Perfuction, Victore will guide you through all the twists, trials, and triumphs of starting your creative career, from finding your voice to picking the right moment to start a project (hint: It’s now). Bring your biggest, craziest, most revolutionary ideas, and he will give you the kick in the pants you need to make them real.

  • Filled with humor and stern advice, Feck Perfuction provides “dangerous ideas” for unearthing your authentic self, including “the things that made you weird as a kid make you great today,” “the struggle is everything,” and many more.
  • No matter what industry or medium you work in, this book will help you live, work, and create freely and fearlessly.
  • James Victore is an award-winning designer for bold believers, an advocate for creativity, a sought after teacher and speaker, and an artist whose work is exhibited around the globe.