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Life. Liberty. And the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship.

It is waking up in the morning and pinching yourself black-and-blue that OMG, this is my life, and it is freaking awesome. You live in your dream house, but there’s no mortgage. No alarm clock, no boss, no bills. No claims on the day’s time other than what you choose. It is making more money before breakfast than you made for an entire week at your last job. It is a crazy expensive car parked in your garage, a victorious symbol that your dreams no longer sleep in fantasies, but are awake with reality.

Make no mistake, this life exists. I know, because it has been mine for nearly 20 years. And in a few short years, it can be yours as well. Better, you won’t need 5 tedious decades of soul-suffocating frugality, thankless jobs, and patient investing with our trusted friends on Wall Street.

Unfortunately, you have been SCRIPTED to believe that such a life is out of your reach, or only possible for a certain type of person; someone with a certain college degree, a certain amount of VC funding, or a certain LinkedIn network of connected friends from Stanford. I am here to tell you, that none of it is true.